What Others Say

Talking with our customers is an experience every member of the AquAlign™ team enjoys. These folks are grounded in a way that is rarely found in the life most of us lead. They have a quiet connection to the soil they work, the plants they grow and the animals they raise, which is truly inspiring… while being amongst the most canny business folks on the planet.

Sharing our customers’ comments is one of the things we’re very proud to do!

Smith Farms

Tom Smith, head of Smith Farms, founder of Global Earth Products Ltd., and named one of the top 100 Most Influential Canadians in Agriculture for the 20th Century, has seen a lot of things come and go in his field over the years. Tom agreed to conduct a commercial trial of TE AquAlign™ Systems, he was "delighted" with the positive impact he saw on his yield, and is completely engaged in the "fascinating science" of TE AquAlign™ which can produce this type of result by working only with the natural attributes of water...

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In 2013, Mr. Smith expanded his application of AquAlign™; both across all his corn fields and his soybean plantings. While the corn growing conditions from year-to-year were startlingly different, Mr. Smith states that “AquAlign™ truly made the difference”... and in the Soy? Here’s a photo taken of an “average” plant (non-GMO varietal with minimal chemical intervention) taken in August, clearly showing over 21 pods on a typical single plant.

Van Hart Greenhouses

Ron Van Hart is the second generation in Van Hart Greenhouses. An early pioneer in Organic growing, over the years he has experimented with over 300 vegetable varietals and developed more than 45 new types. Internationally recognized for his expertise, with organic produce considered amongst the finest grown, Ron saw first-hand the benefits of TE AquAlign™ in a one of his greenhouses, and now has expanded the installation to align all the water used in his greenhouse operations. He’s anticipating “taking it to the next level”…

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In 2013, Mr. Van Hart expanded the AquAlign™ treatment to all his greenhouses and due to rainfall in the season, was able to divert the AquAlign™ water to his field crops with extremely gratifying results! In fact, he actually removed part of his greenhouse tomato plantings and replaced them with cucumbers achieving a similar bonus yield!

And Others...

“Bringing the crop in 2 weeks before the frost hit, with a grading of “Choice Quality” made all the difference to our year’s bottom-line.” Dirse Farms

“The result of this process appears to be a low cost, high quality, culture negative egg… The quality and viscosity of the egg white and the color and consistency of the yolk appear to consistently surpass the competition, including the omega 3 egg, achieved without the use of systemic antibiotics.” Dr. D.Ventura on the Harvest Hills Farm Demonstration

“It should also be noted that test 2 had a brix reading yesterday of 23! As opposed to test 3 at 10 and control at 7. I intend to take another brix reading at noon today, as I have never seen a brix reading over 15 here.” And the following day: “Brix was relatively consistent with first sampling!” “If the bloom continues to happen considerably faster in the test areas, we might eventually get one more cutting per year!” Owner of K-C Farms, Colorado. See more on K-C Farm’s 2013 season here

“As a result of benefits I’ve seen from your system, I’m recommending it to one of our joint venture partners for installation in their facility. But, one of the most obvious impacts I’ve seen has on the manure. It’s substantially drier with less free ammonia... that means a number of things including less flies and healthier birds, but very pivotal to the operations I manage, we can store and sell the manure at a premium because there’s no slump (in the manure sink) and it’s a lot easier to handle. We sell 90,000 tons of manure a year and at even an additional dollar per ton, that more than pays for the AquAlign™ systems, BEFORE the benefits delivered to our primary egg revenue!” R.H., Operations Manager, Canada. See more on the Egg Production Demonstration here

The Trend...

Across North America, our customer relationships are growing daily… From coast to coast, in both Canada and the USA, Agri-businesses are installing TE AquAlign™ Systems and experiencing the benefits of water as a tool for agricultural performance.

We’d like to speak with you about how TE Aqualign™ can contribute to your business!