• Sustainability and Bottom-line Go Hand-in-Hand

    An environmentally sustainable operation should not cost you more.In fact,
    true Stewardship of the Earth can actually save you money! How’s that possible?
    Well, consider the farmer who, year after year, makes his living from the same ground…
    replenishing and sustaining the earth. Or take the manufacturer who improves their
    processes to minimize the chemicals, or re-thinks their processes to reduce/eliminate
    wasted resources. It’s smart, it saves money, and it delivers a healthier planet to our
    children. That’s what we believe, and what our business & systems are all about.

  • Changing Behavior

    It turns out that less is more. Having water that performs better, means that
    you can often use fewer inputs to achieve the same (or better) results. We’ve adopted
    the same underlying principles in all of our operations; by focusing on the small things,
    the big things work out better… and more profitably. It's an approach that takes careful
    planning, proper tracking and a willingness to adjust ‘on-the-run’, but the rewards
    are worth it.

  • Cool Products

    A ‘cool’ product is one that delivers today, tomorrow and into the future. For us,
    that means we have to deliver a product that is easy to use, has a long life span,
    delivers what we promise, and at the end of its life, can be reused or recycled.
    In fact, over 98% of our cartridge and 85% of our full system complies with the
    3R criteria… And that’s ‘way-cool’ product!

  • The Proof

    We have developed what we’ve called our 3R Commitment Program… In short,
    this program auto-ships you a new replacement cartridge, and provided you return
    the spent cartridge to us, we credit you 35% of the cost of the new cartridge.
    How can we do it? Well, sustainable design means that when we breakdown your spent
    cartridge, we can often re-purpose the components in new ways. And for the “bits”
    we can’t re-purpose? In the main, we ensure those get properly recycled and never
    end up in a landfill site. In our opinion, that’s Stewardship of the Earth and taking
    proper care of future generations which will follow us!

  • Our Own Backyard

    TE AquAlign Systems attests and maintains that in all its endeavors, it will
    initially seek out and periodically review all our practices in an attempt to ensure
    that both our processes, and those of our supply-chain partners, comply with and
    maintain the “lightest” footprint practically possible on the environment… This while
    maintaining our ‘home-grown’ local (Made in North America) philosophy of doing
    business. That’s our commitment to our shared future: Sustainability in practice
    and in action.

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