• Mission & Vision

    “The perfect expression of water…”

    TE AquAlign™ is committed to re-imagining water in the minds, hearts and hands of
    people the world over. Water is the common denominator of life which by its very nature
    is receptive to focused attunement to optimize its unique inherent qualities.
    Water’s potential, realized by our technology, offers amazing opportunities for
    performance and profit while minimizing the use of and impact on this dwindling
    resource. The result is a powerful investment for our Customers and a compelling
    strategy for TE AquAlign™ Systems as a company.

  • Model the Change…

    At TE AquAlign™, every decision we make and action we take is predicated on a
    consideration for the global village. We continually measure our decisions against
    the mantra of our founder: “Is what you’re doing going to deliver the greatest benefit
    to all, where possible and as appropriate? If not, don’t do it… If it will, GO FOR IT!”
    This “3P” guiding principle (profits, people and planet) is the basis for the
    sustainability of our products and processes. We are committed to the belief that
    sustainability can be profitable for our company, our customers and the planet.

  • The Priority is our Customers…

    All of our endeavors… our internal innovations, our products, and our service are
    inspired by our Customers’ needs and requirements. Our Customers are Stakeholders
    in our business, as we are in their’s. Business, in whatever form, encompasses a
    world of possibilities, and at TE AquAlign™ Systems we pride ourselves on being
    the first to step-up, work with the potential, find the creative solution and
    support our Customer toward success.

  • Our Partners are Vital…

    TE AquAlign™ Systems are represented by a committed and engaged group of
    representative Partners. These folks bring our Customers to us, they follow
    each system into the final install, and they stay in-touch to ensure that
    our solution is the Customer’s solution. By having this type of expertise on
    our team, TE AquAlign™ is able to focus all our efforts on innovation, service
    and continuous improvement, which in turn better supports our Customers.

  • Sometimes “Simple” is Better…

    We’d like to believe the perspective “simple is better” is contagious.
    The best solutions are often not derived from another level of complexity,
    but from ‘kicking-over-the-can’ and rethinking our premises. That’s what we
    did to re-imagine water as a tool in the first place, and that’s what we
    continue to do in our business. If we each adopt this perspective, then together
    we will make the world a better place by adding value, while simply using less.

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