Our Systems

Simply hook a system into your water line, and it goes to work making your water into a precision tool that delivers benefits to your business.

We’ve designed our systems to be easy to install and maintain. They are extremely robust and should, if properly handled and correctly maintained, provide many years of service.

The right system for your business is determined by several straight-forward questions which can be easily answered in discussion with a member of our team:

  • Your industry and application (Agriculture - Poultry or Industrial - Cement, etc.)
  • Your water delivery system (pipe size and type)
  • Your water’s Peak Maximum flow rate (in gallons per minute)
  • Your water system’s pressure rating (pounds per square inch or p.s.i.)
  • And any other special considerations related to the water use in your business.

Speaking to the system’s maintenance… Well, that boils down to periodic cleaning of the housing (as indicated by your flow rates) and annual replacement of the cartridge… and that’s it.

There is one thing we want to be clear on… TE AquAlign™ Systems does not ‘filter’ or remediate your water in any way! Our system makes your water into a more efficient, purpose-designed tool. It does not and cannot make ‘contaminated’ water into ‘clean’ water. If you currently have ‘contaminated’ water or have a history of contamination (toxins or chemical undesirables) in your water, please speak directly with our Technical Staff PRIOR to installing one of our systems.

Interested in what our system does and how it does it?

The answers can be found in our Technology section.

We’d love to hear your questions! Give us a call or