Commercial Egg Production Demonstration
In 2013, TE AquAlign Systems Inc. and Canada's largest vertically integrated egg production company engaged in an 8 Week Controlled Demonstration measuring the impact of aligned drinking water on the performance of laying hens. A flock of 42,000 ISA Browns was chosen for the demo, and despite a mechanical failure unrelated to our system causing a dehydration incident for a part of the flock, the AquAlign™ deliverables were clearly shown. In fact, at the end of the demonstration, our partner requested that the system be left in-place through to the end of the flock's production, following which they bought the system.
Here is a Production Performance graph (Weeks 25 to 72 of flock production) in which “0” equals the Standard baseline, which illustrates the impact of AquAlign™ water:
A few other notable benefits shown by the comparative analysis of data from the 8 week control period (Weeks 44 to 51 inclusive) to the 8 week demonstration period (Weeks 56 to 63 inclusive) include:
- Improved quality of eggs produced (fewer deforms, floaters, etc.)
- Achieved an average egg weight of 62.2g during the demonstration period, and maintained the ‘ideal' egg weight criteria (Wk 72 = 63.2g) through to the end of the flock's production cycle.
- Reduced the rate-of-decline in production associated with an aging flock by +27%.
- Due to the enhanced hydration qualities of aligned water, the water consumption by the flock went DOWN by 259 gallons per day... 14,504 gallons LESS water consumed during the 8 week demonstration period equalled a reduction of +11%.
- The manure produced by the flock was significantly drier, more manageable, and had significantly reduced free ammonia making it potentially a more valuable by- product.
More detail is available in the Abridged Demonstration Report.