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What’s Epitaxy?

Epitaxy is used in dozens of everyday technologies (semi-conductors, for example) and has been extensively studied and applied in the field of Material Science for decades.

In the paper “The Structure of Liquid Water” (R.Roy, W.A. Tiller, I. Bell, M.R. Hoover, September 14, 2005), the authors define the term as:

“Epitaxy is the transmission of structural information from the surface (hence epi) of one material (usually a crystalline solid) to another (usually but not always a liquid).”

They go on to state that this transfer of “information” is accomplished “without any material transfer”.

Googling the term ‘seeding and growth of semi-conductors by epitaxy’ will provide a wealth of additional information, or the publication “Epitaxial Growth” by D.W. Pashley (author), J.W. Matthews (ed), Academic Press, NY (1975) is another excellent source.

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