
Tech | Why | Define | What | How

Why Water?

Water is essential to life on earth. A plant is over 90% water and an animal (including us) is over 70%. We depend upon it for everything from our daily personal needs to large scale industrial processes. Yet despite our reliance on it, with the exception of filtering and adding chemicals to it, nearly all water is used in its ‘raw’ state.

To look at what it could do, we begin by identifying the natural attributes of ‘raw’ water, and our research folks share some of those key characteristics here

A Different Take on Water?

Sometimes thinking about an old friend in a different way is a little startling. You see things about them you’ve never noticed before. We’d like you to join us in thinking about water in a new light: Water as a tool. Not the brute force used in hydroelectric projects, but as a precision performance tool.

Using ‘raw’ water is sort of like hammering a tack with a piledriver… inefficient, wasteful & costly. The key to designing any tool is to understand the job.

What’s Changed in our Water?

Chemically, there’s no change. If we think about how an Olympic athlete achieves levels of extraordinary performance by training all potential of their body to compete in a single sport, it’s a small step to see how we condition the natural attributes of ‘raw’ water to perform certain jobs at an ‘olympic’ level.

Like an Olympic medal, actual results can be a great way to measure success, however, some of the enhanced qualities can be seen in other ways.

How Does it Work?

Our systems are designed to be easy to install and operate. They require no external power source and use no chemicals or additives. Simply connect it to the water line and it starts to work ‘aligning’ your water into a precision tool that delivers the performance benefits your business requires.

The system’s housing and cartridge operate in concert to produce a rigorously designed flow pattern that ensures maximum contact with our treatment media.