Working with livestock

Whether plants or livestock, water is life. Water plays a vital role in an animal’s system that ranges across everything from cellular health to temperature control. Animals present added dimensions of complexity that creates the opportunity for us to align water more directly focused to the requirements of each species and through that deliver the maximum benefit to those needs and your business.


When you think about it, producing a 60 gram egg every day is a physical feat nearly unequalled by any other species and for the laying hen it takes a toll over time. World Class egg production operations are amongst the most rigorously managed businesses in agriculture... with a focus on the health and well-being of the hens. A demonstration with Canada’s largest vertically integrated egg production company showed multiple benefits delivered by AquAlign™.


Growth, weight gain and yield are all directly linked to the overall health of the animal. TE AquAlign™ water hydrates more completely; serving as one of the conduits for delivery of additional benefits to the animals that drink it. In hot, dry climates, integrating an AquAlign™ unit into the misting systems will only serve to enhance the general well-being of the animals which consume aligned water. Dairy or beef… TE AquAlign™ Systems will deliver.


Just like cattle, pigs (growth, gain & yield) will experience the benefits associated with water aligned as a performance tool. Consistent with this is a study that focused on the extremely sensitive period around the weaning of piglets. The stress associated with this transition can effect the profit/loss equation of a pork production operation. The introduction of TE AquAlign™ water appears to have made a real difference!