Kenaf Plant & Root Growth Demonstration

Kenaf is a plant grown in various parts of the world principally for its fiber (used in a variety of industrial/commercial applications) and its edible oil (used as a lubricant, biofuel and in cosmetics production). Kenaf was chosen for this demonstration because of its rapid growth rate and the projected increase in commercial cultivation in the USA.

This demonstration was conducted to illustrate the impact of TE AquAlign™ Systems on the growth of both the plant and root structure (the latter to ensure that the increased plant growth rate is NOT achieved to the detriment of the plant’s root system). The demonstration was conducted in Phoenix, Arizona.

Criteria: Four test plantings were conducted. Each planting in a commonly available 6”uncoated clay pot with clay drain saucer. Each pot was filled with ‘desert-dug’ soil mixed 20% with mulch and planted with 6 seeds each:
Control 1: Dry seed planted then watered with municipal tap water;
Control 2: Kenaf seeds were soaked in municipal tap water for three (3) days prior to planting & the pot subsequently watered                  with municipal water;
“TE” 1: Dry seed planted then watered with TE AquAlign’ed water;
“TE” 2: Kenaf seeds were soaked in TE AquAlign’ed water for three (3) days, and subsequently watered with municipal water processed             with TE AquAlign.

Each pot received 200ml of water daily. The pots were arrayed in six foot intervals, resting on common ‘desert’ soil, on the exterior of a Scottsdale, AZ building. Average daily temperatures ranged between 90 and 105°F.

Evaluation Protocol: Each of the four plantings (done at the same time/ day) were allowed 31 days of growth (July 24 to August 24, 2012). At the conclusion of the demonstration period, all of the plants were unearthed, and both the plants and attached rootballs were measured.

Results: At the conclusion of the demonstration period, (all measurements averaged):

Control 1: Height - 10.25”; Rootball - 2.4” x 2.4”;
Control 2: Height - 09.75”; Rootball - 2.5” x 3.5”;
'TE' 1:       Height - 10.25”; Rootball - 3.0” x 3.2”;
'TE' 2:       Height - 11.25”; Rootball - 4.0” x 3.9”.

Based on these results, while Control 1 in comparison to “TE” 1 achieved equal plant growth, “TE” 1 manifested a 40% greater below ground (rootball) growth. Comparing Control 2 to “TE” 2, shows a 1.5” greater above ground growth (or 13.4%) for the TE AquAlign™ treated plant, with a 43.91% larger rootball mass.


Simply, faster growth, both root and plant with TE AquAlign™ Systems!

NOTE: As the growers using our systems will attest, the benefits they received resulted in impressive and measureable improvements, but they are also the first people to tell us that Mother Nature is a fickle mistress. So, while many of the results in our field demonstrations are very significant, we do not mean to suggest that those results will be duplicated in every instance. It is our expectation that you will see a 10+% improvement in your results provided those ‘variables beyond our control’ don’t intervene… But, ‘aligned’ water versus ‘raw’ water? Over 20 years of research and applied field trials says you’ll see the difference!

For more information concerning this demonstration, and others like it, Contact Us, and we’d be pleased to assist you!