Dirse Farms - Open Field Tobacco

The tobacco plant is widely grown on a commercial basis around the world. It is notable that tomato, pepper and potato plants are contained within the same family group as tobacco, hence the results of this demonstration can be directly extrapolated to similar deliverables for these plants. The demonstration was conducted at Dirse Farms located in Walsingham, Ontario, Canada.

The primary intent of this demonstration was to illustrate the benefits of TE AquAlign™ System integration in the open field seeding process of tobacco as measured by growth rate and yield.

Criteria: Tobacco is a transplanted seedling crop. As a result, the TE AquAlign™ System was integrated into the greenhouse irrigation supplied to the starter plants only; no treated or non-treated field irrigation was supplied during the open field portion of this demonstration.

Evaluation Protocol: Two primary performance indicators were to be measured - (1) Time to maturity in comparison to the control field; and (2) Yield per acre as compared to the control field.

Results: The TE AquAlign™ treated plants grew to maturity (harvest) a full 14 days in advance of the plants in the control field. Unfortunately, an early frost hit the control field after only 25% of the tobacco plants in that field had been harvested, thus the second performance indicator result was compromised due to 75% of the control yield comparator being lost. However, utilizing the yield of the 25% of the control field that was harvested, TE AquAlign™ treated plants generated a +30% higher yield! It should also be noted that the AquAlign’ed plants were graded: Choice Quality (awarded to only the best tobacco) and hence sold at top prices.

NOTE: As the growers using our systems will attest, the benefits they received resulted in impressive and measureable improvements, but they are also the first people to tell us that Mother Nature is a fickle mistress. So, while many of the results in our field demonstrations are very significant, we do not mean to suggest that those results will be duplicated in every instance. It is our expectation that you will see a 10+% improvement in your results provided those ‘variables beyond our control’ don’t intervene… But, ‘aligned’ water versus ‘raw’ water? Over 20 years of research and applied field trials says you’ll see the difference!

For more information concerning this demonstration, and others like it, Contact Us, and we’d be pleased to assist you!