Alfalfa Growth & Resilience Demonstration

Worldwide, alfalfa is the single most cultivated forage legume plant with a 2006 estimate of 436 MILLION tons produced, as well as a having a vibrant and growing market in retail "alfalfa sprout" product.

The primary objective of the demonstration was to show the effect of TE AquAlign™ Systems treated water on the germination and early growth rate of alfalfa. The secondary objective was to illustrate the resilience of young alfalfa plants grown with TE AquAlign™ water.

Criteria: The seeds were to be germinated and grown with water only; no other source of nutrients would be introduced. In order to eliminate the possibility of any random introduction of nutrients to the seeds, the demonstration was conducted under controlled conditions. Two virgin polypropylene trays were utilized as growth flats. Each tray was lined with standard, off-the-same roll papertowels to function as a moistened growing substrate. All the water utilized during this demonstration was drawn into a single beaker from a municipal water supply and dual filtered (Dual Gradient pre-filter rated to 50 microns; Carbon Post Filter rated at 25 microns). This filtered water was measured into two separate beakers containing 118ml each. One of these beakers was then treated with TE
AquAlign™ (treated) and the other remained in ‘normal’ state (control). Into one tray labeled “TE” the 118ml of AquAlign™ water was added, the second tray labeled “Control” received 118ml of non-treated water. A maximum of 118 ml of water (treated and control respectively) per day could be added (as required to ensure the growing substrate remained saturated). Each tray was seeded
with a measured equivalent quantity of alfalfa seed (from the same package as provided by Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds Ltd., Lot A2166, certified organic). The duration of the Germination & Growth phase of the demonstration was scheduled for 10 days. At the end of the 10th day, the Resilience Phase of the demonstration commenced, and for a period of 5 days (120 hours), no additional water was provided to either TE or Control Trays.

Monitoring Protocol: A physical count of germinated seedlings in the “TE” and “Control” trays respectively was conducted to establish germination rates. Growth rates were determined by physical measurement as/at the end of Day 10. Physical count and measurements were to be conducted at the conclusion of the Resilience Phase to determine comparative die-back/die-off rates in each of the “TE” and “Control” Trays.

Results: By the end of Day 5, the difference between the “TE” tray and “Control” tray was visibly apparent. The seeds receiving TE AquAlign™ water had achieved a germination rate of 98%, while only 80% of the seeds in the “Control” tray had successfully erminated. Moreover, the “Control” seeds displayed only insipient growth levels, whereas the AquAligned seeds showed vertical stem posture, spreading rootlet growth and green leaves.

At the conclusion of Phase 1 (Day 10), the Day 5 germination rate results had remained consistent: “TE” tray at 98%, and “Control” Tray at 80%. The AquAlign’ed seeds illustrated an 18% better rate of germination. The rate of growth, on the other hand, had continued to diverge. The average height of the “Control” plants that had successfully germinated was 20mm in comparison to the AquAlign’ed plants which achieved an average height of 44mm (sprout market-ready). That’s a 54.5% greater rate-of-growth!

Phase 2 (simulated drought stress conditions) results, during which the “TE” and “Control” plants were deprived of any water, are even more impressive. At the conclusion of the 120 hour deprivation cycle, the “Control” alfalfa had experienced a die-off rate of 25% and a die-back level approximated at 39% (from Day 10 results). The TE AquAlign’ed plants experienced ZERO die-off and marginal die-back (no differential in measurement, but obvious signs of chlorophyll depletion in the leaves and some loss of upright posture).

NOTE: As the growers using our systems will attest, the benefits they received resulted in impressive and measureable improvements, but they are also the first people to tell us that Mother Nature is a fickle mistress. So, while many of the results in our field demonstrations are very significant, we do not mean to suggest that those results will be duplicated in every instance. It is our expectation that you will see a 10+% improvement in your results provided those ‘variables beyond our control’ don’t intervene… But, ‘aligned’ water versus ‘raw’ water? Over 20 years of research and applied field trials says you’ll see the difference!

NB: Although not a part of the original protocol, out of curiosity, the demonstrator recommenced watering both trays. After two days, she reported that the “TE” plants had fully recovered with no die-off and no loss of growth (as compared to the Day 10 measurements). The “Control” plants however did not recover to their Day 10 state by the end of the 5 th day of water resupply, and die-off continued to in excess of 50% of total.

For more information concerning this demonstration, and others like it,Contact Us, and we’d be pleased to assist you!